- financing structure
- схема фінансування; структура фінансування
The English-Ukrainian Dictionary. Economics, Finance, Banking, Investmentss, Bank Loans. S. Ya. Yermolenko, V. I. Yermolenko. 2002.
The English-Ukrainian Dictionary. Economics, Finance, Banking, Investmentss, Bank Loans. S. Ya. Yermolenko, V. I. Yermolenko. 2002.
Structure relocation — Hydraulically powered dollies move an historic 19th century church in Salem, Massachusetts. A structure relocation is the process of moving a structure from one location to another. There are two main ways for a structure to be moved:… … Wikipedia
structure — The description of how a project financing is drawdown, repaid, and collateralized secured. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * structure struc‧ture [ˈstrʌktʆə ǁ ər] noun [countable, uncountable] the way an organization, system, market etc is… … Financial and business terms
Structure of the Comecon — See also the main article Comecon. Comecon, a Cold War Eastern Bloc equivalent to the European Economic Community, had an elaborate organisational structure, as laid out below. The Conference Although not formally part of the organization s… … Wikipedia
Capital structure — Gearing ratio redirects here. For the mechanical concept, see gear ratio. Finance Financial markets … Wikipedia
Internal financing — In the theory of capital structure Internal financing is the name for a firm using its profits as a source of capital for new investment, rather than a) distributing them to firm s owners or other investors and b) obtaining capital elsewhere. It… … Wikipedia
Trade-off theory of capital structure — The trade off theory of capital structure refers to the idea that a company chooses how much debt finance and how much equity finance to use by balancing the costs and benefits. The classical version of the hypothesis goes back to Kraus and… … Wikipedia
External financing — In the theory of capital structure, External financing is the phrase used to describe funds that firms obtain from outside of the firm. It is contrasted to internal financing which consists mainly of profits retained by the firm for investment.… … Wikipedia
Right-financing — The concept of right financing was coined by English political economist Dr. Peter Middlebrook to highlight the importance of adopting the appropriate policy, institutional and financial support mechanisms to maximize sustainable returns on both… … Wikipedia
Debtor-in-possession financing — or DIP financing is a special form of financing provided for companies in financial distress or under Chapter 11 bankruptcy process. Usually, this security is more senior than debt, equity, and any other securities issued by a company. It gives a … Wikipedia
SWORD-financing — (Stock and Warrant Off Balance Sheet Research Development) is a special form of financing invented to help young biotech companies access capital to finance their R D via establishing SPE (special purpose entity).Innovation is vital to biotech… … Wikipedia
Military structure of the FARC-EP — The military structure of the Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia – Ejército del Pueblo ( Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia – People s Army , or FARC EP), formally began to be developed after the middle of 1964, when the Colombian… … Wikipedia